quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2005

Aprendendo com Frank Lloyd Wright

What is needed most in architecture today is the very thing that is most needed in life - Integrity. Just as it is in a human being, so integrity is the deepest quality in a building; but it is a quality not much demanded of any building since very ancient times when it was natural. It is no longer the first demand for a human being either, because "Success" is now so immediately necessary. If you are a success, people will not want to "look the gift horse in the mouth". Mo. But then if "success" should happen today something precious has been lost from life.

The Natural House, Frank Lloyd Wright, Horizon Press Inc., 1954, livro que seguro agora nas mãos, páginas amareladas e grossas, más fotografias a preto e branco, plantas de casas soltas, páginas dobradas e vincadas, aquele cheiro próprio dos livros que são pouco abertos. Basicamente é um testamento de FLW sobre casas. Acho que hoje não trabalho mais.